• Research & understanding fundamental in Economic & Financial System.

    To understading the movement of money flow in M1, M2, M3 level, the value of currency shifting curve, inflation, quantitative easing, macro and micro economic affected to small-medium enterprise.

  • Develop the algorithm into a software using the method found.

    Drafting and develop modules to seek the money movement in money markets.

  • Revise the methodology of limitation.

    The limitation algorithm based on the demand, supply and volume concept can help to forecast the price movement.

    Open to limited users to use the Smart Money concept.

    Smart Money has been startup a group for limited users.

  • Continuing develops hi-tech using Visual Studio & Microsoft Netframework.

    Improvise the structure and updating the module and the bugs.

  • Open publicly to use the Smart Money concept.

    The first time Smart Money publicly open to users.

    Revise the inter-connection of data exchange using PIPE technology.

    Revise and improvise the pipe technology to further uses.

    Increase the number of use of Smart Money platform.

    Trading management is more flexible using Smart Money software. The result much better in time management, psychology management, risk management tremendously increasing.

    Rebuild and reshape the Smart Money engine and background performance.

    The Improvement of Smart Money algorithm has been developed to makes trading more often and more opportunities.

  • Enhancement to the money market algorithm.

    The money market algorithm fully interconnected and stabilized for each block currencies.

    Enhancement to the metal & commodities algorithm.

    The metal and commodities algorithm fully inter-connected to each block currencies.

    Adding up new asset class.

    A new asset class such as indices has been addup into Smart Money platform.

    The risk control and dealer markup price area has been improved.

    The risk control and dealer markup area are responsive and moving dynamically to the realtime quotation pricing system.

  • A new framework of dealer markup indication and artificial intellegence (AI).

    Building up a framework and collection 'bigdata' to get all the importance variables. These 'bigdata' collection is used to feeds to the artificial intellegence (AI).

    >> In progress...